Back to School anxiety, try these simple mindful breathing exercises.

Back to school can be a time of mixed emotions, with some excited to be seeing school friends again, getting back to a routine, and spending time with a beloved teacher. For others there can be undertones of apprehension and anxiety.

Try these 2 mindful breathing exercises to ease those powerful emotions:

1. Psychological Sigh: this helps to release built up emotions and reset the stress response. 
⭐️ take a deep breath in 
⭐️ sigh the breath out as slowly and as long as you can.
If you're somewhere safe be as loud as feels good.

➡️ Try the silent sigh: if you are somewhere public (or don't wish to potentially offend anyone with your sighing!) try to breathe out as slowly and as silently as possible.

2. 7/11 breathing. I learnt this when I completed the Mindfulness in Schools Project training. It's particularly useful for older children and teens. 7/11 breathing helps to break anxious thinking loops and resets the mind and body.

⭐️ breathe in for the count of 7
⭐️ breathe out for the count of 11

Adjust your counting so that the breath feels comfortable.


Mindfulness is a Superpower